Your complete guide to drip bag coffee

Drip bag coffee, also known as "coffee in bags," is the answer to your caffeination dreams.

It's a brewing method that combines the convenience of instant coffee with the rich flavour and aroma of a freshly brewed cup. Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or someone just needing a quality caffeine fix to start your day right, drip coffee bags are for you.

What exactly is drip bag coffee? 

Drip bag coffee was invented in Japan - quite recently - in the 1990s. 

Drip coffee bags are made up of two components: a filter bag containing pre-portioned ground coffee beans and cardboard wings that fold out, allowing the drip bag to be mounted on top of your coffee cup or favourite mug. 

With the bag in position, all that’s left to do is pour hot water through the filter and drink a great cup of coffee.      

The benefits of drip bag coffee 


Mornings can be hectic, but good coffee is a priority! Drip coffee bags are quick and easy to use; hot water, a cup and a drip coffee bag are all you need to make an exceptional cup of coffee. Just boil, drip and sip!  

Drip coffee bags are also perfect if you want (and need!) great-tasting coffee at work but can’t get out to buy one. With a Brew drip coffee bag and boiling water, you can enjoy great-tasting coffee at work without visiting a cafe. 

Brew's drip coffee bags are also individually foiled-sealed, making it easy to pop one in your pocket, handbag or backpack.

Easy clean up

Say goodbye to loose coffee grounds all over the kitchen bench. Once you've used your drip coffee bag, pop the whole bag in the bin. Or, in the case of Brew's drip coffee bags, in your compost bin! Brew drip coffee bags are 100% compostable. 

Cost saving

Swapping your daily cup at the coffee shop with a Brew drip bag will save you money. A monthly Brew subscription delivers 32 sachets for under $70. That’s less than HALF what you're paying at the coffee shop.    

Better for the environment

Australians dispose of 2.7 million single-use coffee cups EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Be a change maker by switching to coffee made with a drip coffee bag and a reusable cup or flask.

Brew drip coffee bags are entirely compostable, and orders shipped to Australian metro addresses are sent in composable mail bags.

Brew is also Australian Certified Organic, which is better for you and better for the environment.

It's better for you because Brew drip coffee bags are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. It's better for the environment because when you buy organic, you are supporting sustainable, planet-friendly farming practices.

Drip coffee bags - your ideal travel companion

Drip coffee bags are the perfect way to enjoy quality coffee while on the road..or in the air!

Have a work trip or holiday coming up? Take drip coffee bags with you to guarantee barista-quality coffee every day you are away - even when you aren't able to get to a cafe. Move aside instant coffee sachets in your hotel room! Goodbye sub-standard brews on flights!

Drip coffee bags are also perfect for camping and caravanning, with no fancy brewing equipment required and no messy loose coffee grounds. 

You can even use drip coffee bags while hiking. With a drip coffee bag and a thermos of hot water, you can enjoy barista quality coffee AND a great view.

Is drip bag coffee the same as instant coffee? 

Drip bag coffee is NOT the same as instant coffee. Coffee drip bags contain pure ground coffee beans - nothing else. Instant coffee is a highly processed product made by dehydrating brewed coffee.

Instant coffee is essentially second-hand coffee. The manufacturers brew the coffee and dry it out, and then consumers buy it, take it home and rehydrate it. Give me fresh coffee over rehydrated coffee any day!  

Drip bag coffee and instant coffee also differ where it matters most…in your mouth! The taste of drip bag coffee is far superior.         

What type of brew can I make with Drip Bag Coffee?

Your favourite type of brew! Drip bag coffee makes a cup of black coffee. Drink as is, or add milk/sugar to create your perfect cup. 

To make iced coffee, add ice to the brewed black coffee, along with sugar or honey if you like it sweet, then pour over cold milk of your choice, stir and swoon!  

How do I achieve my preferred strength and flavour?

Water temperature matters

Use hot water, not boiling. Aim for a temperature between 90°C and 96°C. This will extract the best flavour without scalding the coffee.

Brewing time

The longer you steep, the stronger the coffee. Typically, 2-4 minutes is ideal, but you can adjust according to taste.

Water-to-coffee ratio

Follow the instructions on the drip bag packaging, but typically, one bag per 175-250ml of water will provide a balanced flavour.

Taste and adjust

Don't be afraid to taste your brew as it drips. If it's too weak, let it steep longer. If it's too strong, add a touch of hot water. Just like Goldilocks, you want it to be just right.

Quality of Water

Use filtered water where possible, as tap water with a strong odour or flavour will compromise the taste of your coffee.

Comparing drip bag coffee to French press 


Drip Bag Coffee

Drip bag coffee takes the prize for convenience. Just tear open the bag, mount it on top of your coffee cup, pour the hot water into the filter and wait for the magic to happen. No fancy equipment or precise pouring required, which makes it ideal for rushed mornings and workday coffee fixes.

French press

While the French press is user-friendly, it’s not as quick as drip bag coffee. 

Taste Differences:

Drip Bag Coffee

Drip bag coffee allows you to have your cake and eat it too, offering both convenience and flavour. It’s fresh coffee without the fuss.

French Press

Due to its long steeping time, French press coffee is robust and full-bodied. Its ideal for those who like a bold and rich cup.

How can I keep my drip coffee bags fresh?

Drip coffee bags usually need to be stored in an airtight container to maintain freshness.

Here at Brew, however, each drip coffee bag we make is individually sealed in foil to ensure your coffee is as fresh as can be.

Can I reuse a drip coffee bag?

No. Never reuse or store your used coffee drip bags for future use. 

Let's wrap this up and go and make some drip bag coffee!

Drip bag coffee is a game-changer for coffee lovers seeking the perfect blend of convenience and the pure, full flavour of freshly brewed beans.

Using drip coffee bags will simplify your morning routine and save you money. It also makes an ideal travel companion, ensuring you can enjoy barista quality coffee even when off the beaten track.

So, whether you're a coffee connoisseur or just someone in need of a quality caffeine fix, drip bag coffee is the answer to your caffeination dreams. Say hello to your new favourite way to enjoy the perfect cup of coffee.

Explore Brew Australia's coffee subscription for a continuous supply of barista quality coffee delivered to your doorstep.

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